First of all, I'd like to thank you for taking your time to check out my site.
So how exactly is my campaign different? Well, put simply, it's faceless. You won't see my face in my social media unless it's a video or if someone posts it on their own terms.
Unlike the other candidates, I designed all of my posts, including the memes, using Adobe Illustrator. Expect minimalist posts like this:

My campaign will also take place mostly on Instagram and in this website. I have 5 total blog posts prepared for each day of the week, so make sure to come back everyday.
Here I will cover the following topics: How ASB chooses their members, what I plan on doing as President, what I will do outside of ASB for you, and how I feel at the end of the week.
In this website you will find out who I am. Additionally, you will also find video testimonials from different people across the school.
If you would like to show your support, feel free to share any of the content found here.
P.S. My slogan is "JESS FOR PREZ!"