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Writer: Jessie OrtizJessie Ortiz

The elections are currently ongoing, and the ASB applications are about to open soon after. There is a misconception that people get admitted by ASB cherry picking who they like; however, it’s quite contrary. So how exactly are ASB members chosen?

First of all, I’ll be breaking down the application itself. There are four major factors when it comes to the application: letters of recommendation, academic standing, a list of extracurricular activities—things like community service, clubs, and events, especially ASB hosted ones— and a written portion where you talk about leadership and similar topics.

Now our application is based off of a points system. I will be frank, and say that I’m not sure about the specifics about how many points are given for each category; however, I have heard that letters of recommendation are highly valued when evaluating applications. The more you participate and the more you show leadership skills, the higher you points will be.

If you’re planning on applying to ASB, here are a couple of tips. It is nearly the end of the school year, so there aren’t many opportunities to strengthen your application left; however, make sure to take advantage of the upcoming opportunities. The next ASB event will be a movie night. In addition to this, become more active in the clubs you’re a part of, and if you aren’t in any, join some! Additionally, start going above and beyond with your community service. I often do hours, but I don’t collect them, so make sure you have a log with your hours.

As a disclaimer, your grades are also a big impact on how your application is evaluated. The logic behind using grades to evaluate you is that if you can’t handle your classes you should focus on them before stepping up to a leadership position. Nevertheless, if your grades aren’t the best, make sure there are other factors in your application that will make you ASB material.

Lastly, begin strengthening your relationship with ASB members and teachers to get them to back you up when applications come around. There are times when people are tied points wise, so ASB members discuss how they feel about the applicants and choose who they believe is more qualified.

I’d like to finish off by saying, everyone at our school has what it takes to be an ASB member, so make sure you stand out from the rest, and good luck if you plan on signing up!



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